Build Your Own Harmonica

This activity is ideal for elementary and middle school students!


  • Two large craft sticks (at least six inches long)

  • One wide rubber band (#64 size works well)

  • One plastic drinking straw

  • Two small rubber bands

  • A ruler

  • Scissors

  • An adult helper

  • A piece of paper

  • A pen or pencil

Directions: Stretch the wide rubber band over one of the craft sticks lengthwise.

Use your scissors to cut four pieces of straw, each one to one-and-a-half inches long.

Place one of the pieces of straw under the rubber band perpendicular to the craft stick, about two inches from the left side of the craft stick. This is Straw 1.

Place another piece of straw on top of the rubber band to the right of Straw 1. This is Straw 2.

Place the third piece about two inches from the right side of the craft stick, under the rubber band. This is Straw 3.

Place the last piece to the right of Straw 3, on top of the rubber band. This is Straw 4.

Straws 1 and 4 should be closest to the ends of the craft stick, while Straws 2 and 3 should be in the middle.

Put the second craft stick on top of the first one, creating a sandwich with the pieces of straw between the craft sticks.

Secure this sandwich by wrapping a small rubber band approximately a half inch from each end of the sticks. The ends of the sticks should be pinched together with a small space between them created by the straws.

Blow through the opening between the craft sticks as though it is a harmonica (do not blow through the straws!)

EXTRA CHALLENGE: Try changing the distance between straws and see how it affects the sound!

Idea By: Science Buddies


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