Mason Jar Lava Lamp

This activity is ideal for the elementary and middle school students!

This activity is a great way to introduce your student to chemical reactions! The water will react with the alkaseltzer tablet creating pockets of air and bubble that will move the baby oil/cooking oil and food coloring like a lava lamp!


* Cooking oil (baby oil is clear and looks pretty but it’s not as cost effective as a large container of cooking oil)

* Water

* Food Coloring (green and blue for Earth Day)

* Glass Jars (1-2)

* Alka Seltzer Tablets (generic is fine)

Directions: Fill your jar(s) about 2/3 of the way with oil. You can experiment with more and less and see which one gives the best results. Make sure to keep track of your results.

Next, you want to fill your jar(s) the rest of the way with water.

Add drops of food coloring to your oil and water and watch what happens.

Drop in a tablet of Alka Seltzer or it’s generic equivalent. Make sure to watch closely as the magic starts to happen!

Idea by: Little Bins for Little Hands


M&M Probability


Ocean Layers in a Jar