Build a Balance Scale

This activity is ideal for young elementary school students!

One day, as we were learning about units of measurement and mass, my second grade teacher asked my class which was heavier: a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers. Most of the class selected the bricks, thinking the solid stone must be heavier than the lightweight feathers, when in reality they weigh the same amount! With the quick and easy activity below, you can build your very own balance scale to learn about units of measurement and mass!

Materials: plastic hanger, two paper or plastic cups, string/yarn, hole punch.

Directions: At the top of each cup punch two holes on opposite sides and string yarn through.

Hang the cups on the hangar and place different items in the cup to see which one is heavier.

Be sure to take a picture of your scale and share it online!

Click here to see an example!

Idea by: Jamie Reimer, Hands On As We Grow


Stop-Motion Animation


SPECIAL LESSON: Month of the Military Child