SPECIAL LESSON: Month of the Military Child

Hi Everyone, Christina here! I am super excited to be teaming up with my younger sister Alyssa for a special lesson for Month of the Military Child! Alyssa and I both grew up in a military family, so this cause is close to both of our hearts. Alyssa currently holds the title of Royal International Miss District of Columbia Jr Teen, and her platform is all about support and awareness for military children. Check out the lesson below!


Hey everyone! My name is Alyssa Blake, and I am your Royal International Miss District of Columbia Junior Teen! I’m so excited to have this opportunity to share a little bit about myself and my platform with you all. I am currently a sophomore at Lake Braddock High School, as well as a member of my school’s varsity cheerleading team and I am 2nd-degree black belt in taekwondo. Along with these extracurriculars, I am also a proud member of my school’s Military Ambassadors Club, whose goal is to help and support fellow military kids in both our school and community. Being a representative of this club inspired me to create my platform, Youth Strong: Military-Connected Kids.

Military-connected kids show an incredible amount of resilience in their daily lives, but when they are faced with challenges such as constantly having to move around, it’s hard to set a foundation for support in their lives. The goal of my platform is to be that constant support system that these kids need in their lives, while also bringing awareness to how strong and important military-connected kids are and continue to be each and every day. Since April is the Month of the Military Child, I wanted to take the opportunity to spread a positive message with you all, by sharing a little bit about the military child’s official flower, the dandelion, along with a fun and simple craft that you can do at home!

The dandelion is perfect to represent military children, as it is a flower that can plant roots anywhere and everywhere it goes and thrive. These characteristics make them very similar to military-connected kids, as they constantly have to move around and plant roots anywhere they go, and be incredibly resilient to any challenges they face in their everyday lives. The craft that I have for everyone today is a way that you can celebrate the Month of the Military Child by making your very own dandelions at home! 


  • 1 styrofoam ball

  • A pair of scissors

  • Some q-tips

  • 1 wood dowel


  1. Take your q-tips and cut each one of them in half with your pair of scissors.

  2. Pick up your styrofoam ball and insert the stick part of your cut-in-half q-tips all around the styrofoam ball, until the ball is almost completely covered.

  3. Remember to leave a little bit of space on the bottom to insert your wood dowel!

  4. After you have finished inserting enough q-tips around the styrofoam ball (and left a little bit of space on the bottom), you can now take your wood dowel and insert it into the bottom of the styrofoam ball to create a little stem.

  5. Extra: Share it on instagram and tag me @rimdcjrteen and share your love and support for military kids all across the country! 


Build a Balance Scale


Lesson 8: Jellybean Building