Elephant Toothpaste

This activity is ideal for elementary and middle school students!

This activity is a great way to introduce or familiarize your student with chemical reactions! Watch as hydrogen peroxide reacts with yeast to create "elephant toothpaste." Please ensure your student DOES NOT ingest the mixture or the hydrogen peroxide (it's not really toothpaste)! This activity should be completed with direct adult supervision.


* Safety goggles

* 16-oz plastic bottle

* Small cup

* 1 tbsp dry yeast

* ½ cup hydrogen peroxide

* 3 tbsp warm water

* 1 tbsp liquid dish soap

* Food coloring

* Tray

* funnel (optional)

Directions: After gathering your materials, put on your safety goggles.

In the bottle, pour the hyrdogen peroxide and dish soap, and swirl the bottle around to mix them together.

Add 8-10 drops of food coloring, as desired.

In the separate small bowl, combine the dry yeast and warm water and mix for about 30 seconds.

Put the funnel in the bottle, and pour in the yeast/water mixture and watch your elephant toothpaste form!

Idea by: Kiwi Co


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