Spinning Sculptures

This activity is ideal for elementary and middle school students!

This activity is a great way to introduce your student to magnets and magnetism! Before the experiment, let your student play and experiment with the magnets. This activity uses electromagnetism to create sculptures that spin all by themselves! Activity should be supervised by an adult because the wire and battery can get hot with continued use.


* AA Battery

* Neodymium Magnets

* Copper Wire

* Paper

* Markers

* Double-sided sticky foam stickers

* Googly eyes (optional)

Directions: After gathering your materials, stack your AA battery on top of the magnets with the flat side of the battery on the magnets.

Cut a piece of magnet wire about 30 cm in length. Then bend the wire in half to make a “V.” Keeping the very bottom of the "V" in place, mold the wire into a rectangle with an opening at the bottom (side opposite from the "V"). The sides should be about 5 cm and should fit around the battery.

Balance the wire on top of the battery to check that it spins.

Decorate the battery, wire, etc. however you would like, then set up the wire on top of the battery again and enjoy your spinning sculptures!

Idea by: Kiwi Co


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