Starburst Rock Cycle

This activity is ideal for middle school or elementary school students with adult assistance!

This activity is a great way to introduce your student to the life cycle of a rock! Using your candy, you will create a visual (and delicious!) representation of the five stages a rock can undergo and show the three types of rocks!


* 1 pack of Starbursts or similar chewy candy (or clay/playdough if you cannot use candy!)

* Large white plate

* Small microwavable plate

* Scissors

* Knife

* Zip lock bag

* Baking Paper

* Microwave

Directions: If desired, create labels for each of the following mini steps!

Sediment: Cut Starbursts into smaller pieces (i.e. halves or quarters) and place on white plate.

Sedimentary Rock: Use desired Starburst size and stack approximately 4 Starburst. Gently squah the stack together. If desired, cut Starburst stack open after to see the layers of "sediment."

Metamorphic Rock: Heat and pressure turn a sedimentary rock into a metamorphic rock. Put approximately 8 Starburst in the plastic bag and push the pieces together to create a ball. Repeat this step twice more, you'll use 2 "Metamorphic rocks" in later mini steps.

Magma: Place baking paper on microwave safe plate and place one "metamorphic rock" on the baking paper. Microwave for 30-40 seconds then remove from microwave and add to white display play. CAUTION: The melted candy will be hot so do not let the children touch it!

Igneous Rock: When magma cools it becomes Igneous Rock. Repeat the previous step and allow the "magma" to cool.

The cycle is almost complete! When Igneous Rock experiences weathering and erosion it breaks into sediment, and just like that you have an edible rock cycle!

Idea by: Simple Living Creative Learning


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