Water Cycle in a Bag

This activity is ideal for preschool or young elementary school students!

This activity is a great way to introduce your student to the water cycle! Earth has a limited amount of water, and it continues to loop through the water cycle. Watch as over a few days the water in the bag evaporates, condenses, and precipitates!


• Ziploc bag (sandwich size works best)

• Water (approximately 1/4 cup if using sandwich size bag)

• Tape

• Permanent Marker (optional)

• Food coloring (optional)

Directions: If desired, use the permanent marker to decorate the ziploc bag. Some example designs would be an ocean or the sun!

Add water to the Ziploc bag. Add a couple drops of food coloring if desired.

Secure the top of the bag to ensure it will not leak.

Tape the bag to a window (ideally a window that gets a lot of sunlight).

Watch your bag over a few days to see a mini water cycle in action!

Idea by: Plato's Blog


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